Saturday, July 14, 2007

Just a Note.

Just a note, nothing really to say except this, and then I am going to say no more.

If you don't like what I write, keep it to yourself. You're entitled to your opinion, and that's fine with me. There are plenty of other people who like, and enjoy what I write --which is what this is targeted to. Girls and women between 15-25ish who like to read (or even write) with a similar interest as I do. My ideas, and the way that I write are based off of what I read, rarely from what I see.

I know a plea to just leave me alone, and not haze or harass me about this will just be laughed at and probably just encourage it more so, so let me just remind you: There is an actual human being behind all of this stuff with just as many thoughts and feelings as you, and all she wants is some respect, and to be able to go on in peace. I have enough shit going on in my life between my family problems, work, and a nonsexistant personal life that I don't need to be depressed an annoyed by shit going on on the fucking internet, okay? If I wanted that, I would have stayed in high school.
