...I just really like this part. --I need to stop writing things that just randomly pop into my head.
“Okay, we’re here.” Draco flipped a switch turning on the overhead lights of his father’s underground study, “If my family is hiding anything, it will be in this room. Have at it.” He leaned against the bare desk, crossing his arms. It had been three days since the trio, meaning Harry, Ron, and Hermione, had uncased a silver goblet belonging to the Riddle Family, and destroyed it. Now they were looking for a painting depicting a younger Tom Riddle, most likely hidden somewhere in the Malfoy mansion.
“Aren’t you going to help us?” Harry asked, looking around the room, “Are there any other secret passages down here?”
“Oh yeah, there’s a treasure room behind that wall filled with all of the Malfoy gold and silver.” Draco rolled his eyes, “No, this is it.”
Tonks nodded, taking a look around, “Well, there can’t be to many places a painting could be hidden, right?”
“You’d be surprised.” The chair that had been turned away from the door slowly turned to face the trio, “maybe I can help you find whatever it is that you’re looking for…”
“Dad!” Draco looked surprised, moved away from the desk.
“Son,” Lucius tapped his fingers to his lips. “I knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up again. How are you? If I remember correctly, you took quite the beating when you and Severus left.”
“I’m fine.” Draco nodded.
“So, tell me…what are you looking for?” Lucius asked, “You obviously must want it if you asked Draco of all people to help you out, isn’t that right Potter?” He stood up from the chair, moving around the desk.
“You already know what we’re looking for, don’t you Dad?” Draco asked, biting his tongue.
Lucius laughed, “I do…and I’ll give it to you.”
“Oh really?” Harry asked, “And what do you want in return? Draco has already made us promise to not make him a bargaining piece, so if you think you’re going to ask for your son back –that’s up to him, not us.”
“Oh, I don’t want him back.” Lucius shook his head, stroking a finger across Draco’s jaw. “I don’t have the resources to keep him hidden…but,” he looked up at Harry, “I do want you to promise to keep him safe. You’ve obviously seen fit to trust him so far. Draco has done nothing wrong. Have you?” He turned back to his son.
Draco didn’t reply, averting his eyes to avoid looking any of them in the eye.
“I didn’t think so.” Lucius let his hand run across Draco’s back as he moved away from him, opening a trunk in the far corner of the room, and withdrawing a long tube, “I assume this is what you’re looking for?” He handed the tube to Harry, “You can open it if you want; it isn’t going bite.”
Harry nodded, untying the clasp to unfurl the painting, nodding, “This is it.”
Lucius nodded, “I suppose talking to my son in private would be out of the question?”
Harry looked at Tonks, who shrugged, so he looked at Draco, “That depends on Draco, I guess.”
“You’re not going to get anything out of me, if that’s what you want. Anything you say, they should probably hear it too.” Draco leaned against the desk again.
“You sure you want them to hear?” Lucius asked, “I’d think you’d want to keep it a little more secret. After all, you don’t want your boyfriend to know you fuck your father, do you?”
Draco bit down harder on his tongue, and Harry tried to disguise his surprised gasp in a coughing fit.
“That’s the only reason you’re down here, isn’t it?” Draco asked, “You thought you’d give us the painting, and get your back your plaything? Well guess what Dad, it isn’t going to happen that way.”
“It may not happen today…or tomorrow, but you will come back, Draco. You always come back.” Lucius moved across the room again, “And when you do, I will be waiting, because that is what I do.”
Draco’s breath caught as his father pressed a kiss to his mouth, waiting for a moment before pushing him away, “It’s time to go.”
“Yes…run away, Draco.” Lucius leaned against the desk, watching them leave, “I’ll give you ten minutes of a head start before I sound the alarm. You may want to watch your back.”
Once outside, and safely out of harms way in the forest just outside of the Malfoy grounds, Harry shoved Draco roughly into a large oak.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“Say anything about what?” Draco asked, dusted dirt from his clothes, “That my Dad is a pedophile? Sorry, it never really seemed like good dinner conversation, you know?” He shrugged, “Besides, it doesn’t matter.”
“Of course it matters!” Harry shook his head, “This explains so much about you.”
“Oh really?” Draco raised an eyebrow, “Please, enlighten me O wise one.”
“Okay, look you two…we need to get back to headquarters.” Tonks was looking around worried, “Lucius was kidding about sounding an alarm, and we may be safe now, but we better disappear.”
“But I’m not finished yelling at him yet.” Harry protested.
“You can yell at the house –c’mon.” Tonks urged the two of them closer, “Go!”
The two of them disappeared, reappearing about a block from headquarters.
“Do I have to put this stupid blindfold on again?” Draco started pulling the fabric from his back pocket
“No, you won’t remember anyway.” Harry shook his head. “So, your Dad…he really…”
“Yeah, he did.” Draco shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest as they walked, “But, he obviously doesn’t…anymore, so, lets just forget about it okay?”
“How can you be so…apathetic about this?”
“Because, it’s just a part of me, Harry, it’s not like when it started I knew the difference. My father and I were always close. It wasn’t until I got into school, and started to see other people that I realized that it was, you know…taboo.”
“How old were you?”
“How old was I went?”
“When you had sex with him?”
“You mean like…penetrative?”
“Well” He pondered, “I think it was…Christmas vacation of third year.”
“And before that?”
“A lot of the time it was oral.” Draco looked up at the sky, “Do we really have to talk about this? It’s kind of an uncomfortable subject.”
“And how old were you then?” Harry ignored his request
“When I started sucking off my Dad, you mean? I was maybe eight or nine.”
“Are you serious?”
“I’m telling you, I didn’t know it was wrong, Harry. Not until I got into school, anyway, and by then I was so far into it, and...” he sighed, “I guess, he was my first love, or something like that. I couldn’t say no to him.”
“Of course you could, Draco!”
“Look, why don’t we just agree to forget that you heard that, alright?”
“You expect me to just forget that?” Harry shook his head, pulling him towards the door of Headquarters, which Draco obviously couldn’t see.
“Why do you care so much?” Draco was surprised to find himself pulled into the foyer of Headquarters, “Whoa, that was weird.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell anyone –after you figured it out, I mean. Why would you continue it?” Harry looked disturbed, taking the tube with the painting in it to the living room where Hermione was already concocting a potion in which to destroy the horcrux.
“Why should I have? Who do you suggest I should have told? Besides, it isn’t like it’s anyone’s business but mine, so just…back off.” Draco shrugged, “Hey, where’s Tonks?”
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