Note: Last Hades bit, I swear...okay, maybe not, but...for a little while. I couldn't decide how to end this one, but I like how Hades know...humanish, and not all superiority-complex.
Hades’ Distraction
Prequel/Companion to: Hades and His Lover.
My underworld kingdom was still small when I realized that I would need help running my household. Only a small handful of souls filled the vast endlessness, and most of these souls were children, waiting until the field of reincarnation was open –souls needing to be reused. My chose of adults was slim, but I knew as soon as I saw Marius, I knew he was the most beautiful human I had ever seen, and I wanted him. Not only as a servant in my house hold, but as my personal…everything.
He seemed surprised when I cleared my throat behind him, unaware that I anyone had been nearby. Turning to look at me, his eyes widened, and he moved to bow down.
“No need for formality.” I shook my head, “I have come to offer you a proposition.”
He looked confused, “Me?”
I laughed, “Yes, you…why not you?”
He shrugged, “I am nothing special.”
“What is your name?” I asked.
“Come with me, work in my castle.” I offered, “You’ll have almost all of the benefits of life…without all of the hassles.”
He looked disturbed, “…What do you mean?”
“I can ensure you a solid body, a job, a comfortable living for all eternity –or for as long as you like.”
“…And how does this benefit you exactly, my lord?”
“I need a staff to run my household. Now that the world has been divided between my brothers and me…I need help.”
“And what do you want me to do for you?”
I shrugged, “Anything you want to do…I would like for you to act as my personal man…Taking care of my needs.”
“…Your needs?” He asked.
I nodded, with a slight smirk, seeing what he was taking out of this, “You can take that to mean anything you like, Marius.”
“And…if I do, come to work for you…I’ll be…human?”
“In a way,” I nodded. “Would you like to come with me, and test it out? I would not hold you there against your will…if you wanted to leave, you could.”
He thought for a moment before nodding, “I would like that.”
“Follow me then.” I turned, leading him towards the looming black castle. Once inside of the gates, he seemed surprised at the solidarity of his hands, and touched his face.
“Did you think I was lying to you?” I asked, taking his hands from his face, “You are much too cute.”
He bit his tongue, averting his eyes from mine.
“Are you…afraid?” I asked, tilting his face up to look into his eyes. He swallowed a gulp of air, and shook his head.
“No, there….there isn’t anything to be afraid of, sir.”
I resisted the temptation to kiss his gorgeously pale lips, removing my hands from his face, leading him inside of the castle, “Come…I’ll show you where you’ll stay…and then if you want, you may explore for a few hours –you should get a feel for where things are.”
“Have you already found many others to work for you?”
I turned, pausing on the stairs, “…No, you are the first.” His eyes widened slightly, and I pushed open the door to the servant’s quarters off of my own chambers, “You will sleep here.” I held my breath as he slid past me, sitting on the edge of the bed, taking a look around the sparse surroundings, “I’m sorry it’s sort of bare, but you may do anything you want with it. Cost is obviously no factor. Anything you desire is yours.”
He looked up at me, “…Why invite me to take this opportunity, my lord?”
I smiled, standing over him, “Because, I like you, Marius. You are shy, attractive; seem to know what you want, what you need… You just need to take a more assertive role.”
He nodded slowly.
“I’ll leave you to do as you chambers are through that door there.” I motioned behind him, “Wake me in the morning, and I’ll put you to work. We don’t really have ‘time’ here as you may have noticed, but…you’ll know when it’s time.” I watched him nod again. “Take care not to get lost, Marius.” I didn’t resist the temptation to press a soft kiss to his lips, a small token of the friendship I hoped to gain from him.
I left him then, to explore on his own, not seeing him again early the next morning. I was already awake, when he cleared his throat from the other side of the bed. I turned, brushing my hair off of my forehead.
“You have perfect timing Marius.”
He gave me a slight smile, “I’ve already prepared a breakfast for you, sir, if you would like. Would you care for help dressing, or…no?”
I turned, leaning on my elbow, watching him fret under my scrutinizing eye, before I nodded, “Fetch me something out of my cabinet –anything is fine. It is all essentially the same.” He nodded, stepping lightly across the room to open the doors of the closet, pulling off one of the black-pressed shirts, and a pair of trousers, holding them out in his arms, approaching the end of my bed.
“Just lay them out.” I enjoyed watching him fret, unsure of whether he was pleasing me or not. He placed them on the edge of the bed, folding his hands behind his back.
“Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?”
“No…you may just stand there and look pretty for a few minutes.” I smiled, pushing back the covers on the bed, obviously nude. Marius averted his eyes before he could see anything, which was both ridiculously adorable, and disheartening at the same time. I dressed slowly, hoping I would be able to tempt him into sneaking a peek, but no such luck with Marius. He was complete business, which I found to be slightly more then annoying.
After I had pulled on my clothes, I lifted his face to mine again, “Marius…You work for me, you will probably see me in all kinds of various states…don’t be shy.”
He didn’t answer me, letting his hair fall over his eyes as he looked down. I sighed, taking a step away from him, “I’m going to find more staff, today. Why don’t you…dust something?”
For the next few days, he continued silently about with his duties, and truthfully, I sometimes did not even notice him, as he stood silently behind me as I went on with my own daily tasks after finding the remainder of a suitable staff. He had been working for me for almost a month when I noticed that he didn’t really seem happy.
After a long day of organizing, and planning for a meeting with the Fates, I put down my pen to watch Marius staring out of one of the large plate-glass windows, souls sweeping down across my artificial sky. While I was tempted to get up, and wrap my arms around him, to kiss the frown his face, I resisted. I did not want to frighten him away…though he rarely spoke, except to ask if I wanted, or needed something –I was coming to appreciate Marius for more then just his beauty, and his quiet demeanor. Slowly, as he came to really be my servant, I was slowly becoming his –wanting to know his thoughts, even though he didn’t think that it was his place.
“Is something troubling you, Marius?” I asked, having watched him for several minutes without him noticing that I had finished my work.
“Hmm?” He turned to look at me, and then smiling, shaking his head, “No, sir. Just thinking to myself is all.”
“And pray-tell, what are you thinking about, Marius?” I asked, picking up my pen, tapping it against my desk.
He shrugged slightly, “Nothing, really.”
“You seem sad. You have since I met you.” I dropped the pen again, standing up from my chair. “You would tell me if something was wrong, Marius…wouldn’t you?”
He gave a slight nod, neither really agreeing nor disagreeing, but enough to get me to move on. We lived like this, for years before I finally realized that I loved him.
…There was nothing any different about the moment that the realization struck me. He stood just to my side, looking sleepy, raising his hand to cover a yawn every so often.
“Marius,” I finally looked up at him, “if you are tired, why don’t you turn in for the night?”
“Are you sure?” He asked, shaking the sleep out of his eyes, trying to look more awake, “Is there anything I can get for you?”
“No –please…go to bed.”
“Would you like for me to turn down your bed for you?”
“No…but if you don’t leave my sight soon, I will be forced to chain you into yours…” I warned, “Go on…”
He gave me a small smile, nodding, “Good night, sir –do not work to hard, it is getting late.”
“Won’t worry about me, Marius,” I waved him off, watching him disappear from my study. And as soon as he was gone, I suddenly realized how completely lonely I was when Marius was not around. At least when he was next to me, I had this false sense of superiority when he was next to me. He listened to me, did whatever I asked whenever I needed. As soon as he was out of my sight, I was just a man –a lonely god, banished to his underworld kingdom by his younger –though apparently more powerful brothers. Not that Zeus and Poseidon had really ‘banished’ me, but…after being rejected –an afterthought, I had no desire to deal with them, or their kingdoms. After all, while Zeus could look out over above the living, and Poseidon only saw those who risked themselves to travel across the water…but in the end, I got all of them –all of the souls that wandered the earth, the land between all of our kingdoms.
And Marius…Marius was my favorite.
I waited nearly an hour before I made my way to Marius’s room. He was curled up on his bed, and I grimaced at the poor conditions of the room, that I had never noticed before. The hard pallet, the drab walls… He hadn’t asked for, or done anything to this room since I had shown it to him.
I was quiet, as I closed the door, and knelt down in front of him, unsure of what exactly I wanted to do for him. He had not been dead long –only a few years…surely he would not notice if I gave him a gift? I did not know when I would, but I knew that one day…one day I would truly make this shade mine. I would know every curve, every crevice, every inch of this perfect body…and I wanted him to know, to feel it, all of it.
When a person dies, their soul, or their shade, they loose this ability to feel pain and pleasure. The instinct is there, but there is no actual effect on the shade…and if I was to make love to Marius, like I wanted to…I wanted him to feel everything possible. I didn’t even think twice before I pressed my kiss softly to his, passing this gift onto him. He stirred slightly, turning his face away from mine, and I moved back away from the bed for a moment, biting my tongue, hoping he wouldn’t awaken. When he didn’t, I knelt back down, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead, watching him sleep.
It would still be a long time before I could finally admit to Marius’s face that I loved him. I relieved that, though he often tried to act indifferent to me, that he loved me too. I learned a lot about him that first night that we made love –things that sort of explained why he had always acted so shyly to me when I tried to entice him –and god, how I tried. For nearly a hundred years, I dropped subtle hints, coaxing kisses…and nothing but obedient servitude from Marius. But he was shy, and had never known the touch of another person before…and I loved him more, each passing day.
We were together, just the two of us, for a long time… And then I made a mistake. Zeus promised Demeter’s daughter, Persephone to me as a wife. My brothers had both taken wives in Hera and Amphitrite… I hadn’t told them of Marius being my lover. And I was putting off telling Marius of this woman, coming into our lives, until the last moment.
He was just beginning to drift off to sleep, folded against me after a particularly refreshing copulation, when I cleared my throat, brushing my fingers over his hair, lifting his chin to press a kiss to his lips.
“Marius…we should talk.”
“What about, Master?” He asked, pressing his lips to my shoulder, probably thinking that I wanted another go at him –which I did, naturally, but first, I had to tell him about my wife.
“I am taking a wife, Marius.”
He was quiet, sitting up, running a hand along my chest, “Who?”
“Persephone…Demeter and Zeus’s daughter –my niece.”
He nodded, “I remember her from when I accompanied you to Olympus in the past. When is this happening?”
“I am going to collect her tomorrow.” I watched his face for some kind of a reaction, but he didn’t really give me one. He just nodded.
“I understand.”
“Marius…” I reached for his hand as he moved to slip from the bed, “Where are you going?”
“I suddenly do not feel my best. I think you have finally done me in, Master.” He paused, after pulling his clothing back on, to press a kiss to my lips. “I will wake you in the morning. Sleep well.”
“Marius,” I stopped him.
“Yes?” He turned from the doorway between our rooms, “Can I get you something?”
“I love you, Marius.”
He smiled, but not his usual smile. This one was forced, sad…ugly, “I love you, Master.” He closed the door softy between our rooms, and I heard no more from him.
For two years, I did not touch him. It seemed as though he wanted nothing to do with me…and I was alone again, like I had been before I had finally seduced him. He was silent, doing his work as my valet and nothing more. Persephone was not as perceptive as I would have liked. She was cold, and unfeeling, not taking any pleasure in any attempt at love making I may have tried. She would enter my room, lie on my bed….no sound, no movement, and taking anything I may have imposed on her, and then she would refasten her clothes, and go back to her own chambers, never making a sound. It was a sham. I wanted more –I wanted love. And I would not find that in Persephone.
Finally, I had had enough. I wanted my lover back, and I would take him by force if necessary.
“Why don’t you love me?” I asked, pinning him down onto his hard pallet bed, one evening after Persephone had left me after a particularly unfulfilling evening. “Where have you gone to, Marius?”
“I have not gone anywhere, my lord.” He shook his head, looking surprised that I was approaching him this way, “You have a wife –I simply thought it best not too—” I pressed my mouth to his, not wanting to hear his excuses, just wanting to feel his tongue against mine again.
“I never told you to do such a thing. Don’t think Marius. I never gave you permission to think for yourself.” I sighed shaking my head. I didn’t want to sound like an overbearing master, but I’m sure that I did, as I sat back, letting my fingers stroke down his clothed chest, “Did you think that just because I had taken a wife that it changed my feelings for you? Marius, I love, but you can be so stupid.”
He looked away, and I followed his eyes, taking a look around, scoffing at its bare necessity feel, “What kind of room is this Marius? I thought I took better care of you then this. This may be alright for some, but not my beautiful, beautiful slave.” I smiled, kissing him again before getting up from the bed, holding out my hand to him, “Come with me –out of these drab accommodations.” He hesitated for a moment, and I almost thought that he wouldn’t go with me –that some other sense of pride would take hold, and that I may loose him…but he took my hand, and I led him through the door between our rooms.
“Take off your clothes.” My suggestion came out more as an order after I had bolted the main door to my room, and made myself comfortable amid the pillows on my bed. Marius took his time, untying the lace on his shirt before pulling it over his head and letting the fabric slid between his fingers onto the floor. Then he worked the knot on his trousers before pushing them over his hips, stepping out of them. My eyes roved over him for a minute, and I could see him trying not to fidget under my gaze, so I beckoned him forward, “Come here.”
He knelt on the edge of the bed, crawling closer to sit beside me, and I sighed, pulling on his elbow, “Come on Marius; kneel over me.” His surprised look made me laugh. “It’s alright for you to be dominating once in awhile, Marius.”
He moved his knees to either side of my hips, starting to unbutton my shirt, pushing it back over my shoulders, “How can I dominate you when you are still telling me what to do?”
“I’m sorry; would you like to give the orders tonight?” I slid my hands to his hips, pulling him forward to put my mouth over his member, letting my tongue lap at the head liking the familiar taste of his skin in my mouth again before I looked up at him, “Do you want to be master for a little while?”
He bit his lip, shaking his head, “No. I like being your slave.”
“Play along with me, just for a little while?” I asked, “It’s not that different.”
“I…I do not know how. Why do you want me to?”
“Because sometimes, my beautiful little slave boy, even a god wants to feel what it is like to be on the other side.” My lips encircled him again for a moment before he stroked a thumb across my cheek.
“But, you are always over me. This is strange…I want to be underneath you.”
“You can be—” I promised, “just not tonight.” I pushed him back enough to sit up, and remove my shirt, followed by my trousers, all very carefully not to move him, least he not comply to get back over me.
“No, I’m not master tonight.” I shook my head, pulling him down over me again, “Tonight, I am whatever you want to call me, but I am not your Master.”
He whined softly into my ear, his hands gripping my hips, “What do you want from me.” He kissed me, before sitting back, my member brushing against his backside, sending a pleasant shiver up my body. There really wasn’t a question of what I wanted, and I could tell he already knew before he asked
“Fuck me.”
His fingers stroked my bare chest, shaking head shyly, “I do not know how. Not from here.”
“You do too; you’re just being impish because I won’t let you have your way.” I teased him, pushing on his knees, sliding him backwards against the silk covers of my bed, and raising my hips to tempt him, “You know that you’re doing. You won’t hurt me, Master.”
He twitched, obviously uncomfortable with me referring to him as master, but I didn’t mind. I pushed it from my mind as he lowered his head to lap at my anus, pushing his tongue inside as his hands fondled my member. I moaned, letting my eyes closed, loving the feel of his hands on me again, more then willing to be his slave for once. I looked up, seeing his disapproval after he had pushed a finger into me with almost no resistance. I shook my head, knowing that he knew I had done this before –let another man touch me, mostly out of desperation.
“Don’t fret, Master.” I teased him, “It didn’t mean anything. I don’t love him.” He forced a second finger in with the first, and I grunted, “You’re angry, I understand that.”
“I am not angry.” He denied, forcing in a third, “but I can be angry if you like…” I didn’t reply to him, unsure if the fact that I had become so desperate for a feeling touch made him feel differently about me. I couldn’t resist the sharp noise that parted my lips as he pushed his member into me as I was still thinking about his reaction. My knees locked against his sides, and my hands linked behind his neck, pulling him forward. When my eyes had opened again, he kissed me, coaxing my mouth open with his tongue, pushing his large appendage in and out of me slowly at first, then faster.
“You are so perfect.” I whispered, holding his head against my chest, never wanting to let him go again. My cock was pushed between our abdomens, and the friction between our bodies made me hard. Marius moaned, kissing me again as he came.
I held him where he was, savoring the feeling of him inside of me for as long as I good before I let him pull away from me to collapse onto the bed beside me. I kissed his back, reaching between my legs and dipping in my fingers into my opening, tasting the fluids left behind from my fingers, before pressing it to Marius’s mouth as well. He took a small lick, but indifferent to the taste. I watched him breath heavily, rubbing his semen along my still-hard member.
“You’re not tired, are you?” I asked.
He took a deep breath, leaning up on my elbow, “I best not me, am I right? You have work for me, don’t you?” His hand joined mine on my penis, licking his lips, “But I want you to fuck me.”
“Then let me fuck you.” I smiled, pulling him closer, over top of me again, “You almost did it before, I could see it in your eyes that it was what you wanted.” I pushed against his backside, my hands on his shoulders gently urging him down as he lowered onto my member. He whimpered, pressing his lips to the tips of my finger, groaning after he had fully impaled himself, pressing his forehead to my chest.
“Why does it always hurt?” He asked, sucking on one of my nipples, swirling his tongue around the peak, his eyes raised to look at me.
I shrugged, “You are a shade, so your body doesn’t recognize change.”
He nodded, sitting forward pressing his lips to my collarbone before repeating his movements from before –but he was slow, as if teasing me to take control like I usually did. I took his bait, pulling him to far forward, pushing him underneath me, moving to push my cock into his mouth when I could feel that my eruption was close. I didn’t even give him the courtesy of warning before I spilled into his mouth, my ejaculation seeping from his mouth, and his nose.
“Shh…” I whispered in his ear after pulling out of his mouth, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, I know. Your mouth is just so warm, and I had to feel myself there…” I pressed a kiss to his come-covered lips before licking it from my own, “I’ll get a towel, just wait.” He watched me, swallowing what was still filling his mouth, as I got a towel from underneath my basin, handing it to him.
“Do you forgive me?” I nuzzled his neck, “I apologized.”
“I can not breathe through my nose.”
I laughed, “Then it is probably a good thing that you do not need breath, Marius.”
“I am going to have your see coating my insides for weeks –that was a lot more then what you usually give me.”
“I haven’t gotten the pleasure of your company in quite sometime. I’ve been holding it for you.” I teased him again, licking a line of my come that had escaped the towel, from his throat, as he tossed the cloth away, before I lay down beside him, tugging him down with me, “Why did you abandon me?” I lay my head against his shoulder.
“I did not abandon you Master! I was here!”
“Is this because of Persephone?” He looked up, “I still need you Marius. Yes, she is my wife, but I still need you to feel whole.”
“But she is your wife.” He shook his head, “I can not compare to her. No one even knows about me, Master. How can you say that you need me if no one can ever know about me?”
“No one knows about you for your own safety, Marius. I would die inside if you I ever lost you. There are those,” I would keep from him who, “who would want to take you from me, just out of spite. Please, don’t tempt them. We can be happy….”
“I am happy.” He sighed, brushing his fingertips through my hair.
“Marius…” I pulled him closer, hiding my face against his neck, “do you love me?”
“Of course I do.” His finger traced down my back, “I love you more then life –why do you think I’ve stayed here so long.”
“You never tell me that you do.”
“I love you.” He tilted my face up to his, pressing another kiss to my lips, “You know that I do, Master.”
I smiled, laying my head against his chest again, and closing my eyes.
We continued like this, deeply in love –and a secret to everyone for over two millennia. And all would have remained well –until I told Persephone that I didn’t think our marriage was going to work. To put it bluntly, after it wasn’t a secret that Marius and I had been having an affair –long before I even wed her, she wasn’t happy. She was jealous, if that’s even possible…so she sought revenge, in the only way she thought possible. She had Marius stolen away while I was away on business –not having taken Marius with me because of my stupidity of having understaffed the house. He was reincarnated, alive on earth. When I returned, I was furious to say the least. There was no forcing the fates to cut his life thread either –I wanted my Marius back, and what I would have gotten was a squalling baby. So, after resisting the temptation to beat the godly life out of Persephone’s body, and instead banishing her from the castle, and into a villa on the edge of the River Styx, along with Acacia, whose motives towards me seemed fueled because of Marius’s disappearance.
Over the next twenty years, I watched over Marius’s mortal life, acting almost as a guardian angel. I only dared to make small personal appearances through his life, trying not to interfere, keeping a distance…until he turned twenty. He had lead a pretty good life –good grades, a great leader. I made up and alias, and forged papers to enroll into his college, fixing fate to obtain a room on the dormitory floor where he was a resident assistant.
It took me a while to approach him, and it kind of hurt that he didn’t recognize me, but how could he? The reverse trip through the river of forgetfulness clears a person’s memory completely of their previous life, and any life led in the underworld. Eventually, I got up the nerve to talk to him, and we even started this slight…façade relationship, actually dating; as though we were people…as though I were actually a mere human.
Two weeks approaching him, and still slightly unsure of what I would be getting back when Marius was scheduled to die, a date I already had arranged with the Fates, I finally got up the courage to go to bed with him for the first time in twenty years.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked. We were laying on the unfolded futon on his room where we had been watching a film on the television (and by ‘watching a film’, I really mean we were kissing, and quite heavily at that). I knew he wasn’t interested in what was going on, on the screen when his hands started to unbutton the jeans I was wearing.
“Hmm,” He nodded, pushing his fingertips inside, “You go commando…that’s kind of hot.”
I raised an eyebrow, before shaking my head, not really caring what that meant, “We’ve only been dating for a few weeks.”
“I know… Do you not want to? I’m sorry.” He started to pull away, but I stopped him.
“Of course I want to.” I smiled, “But, you’ve never done it before. Am I really that worthy?” I ached to stop playing this silly game with him, but I forced myself. I needed him to think that I was just like him –a mere human being.
He shook his head, “I don’t know…but let’s do it anyway.” He grinned.
“What’s the matter?” I leaned up on my elbows, after he had pulled my shirt over my head, and tugged my jeans off, tossing them aside. He leaned back on his knees, looking at me.
“I thought I was the only guy in America uncut.” He lifted his shirt over his head, tossing it aside, “I’m surprised, that’s all. –And we won’t discuss how big you are…maybe I don’t want you to fuck me. You’d probably rip me apart.”
“Ah, don’t worry about that.” I ran my hand over my member, “It only hurts if you do it wrong.”
“Promise?” He asked, flicking his tongue against the tip.
I nodded, “I promise.” He started to put his mouth over my head again, before he noticed that I was staring at him.
“Don’t look…I can’t do it if you’re looking at me.”
“What are you? Five?” I laughed. “Besides –it’s sexy.”
“It’s creepy. Close your eyes.” He requested, waiting to wrap his mouth around my appendage until I had complied with him. When I felt his lips moving against my member, I dared to open my eyes again, watching his hair fall, just hiding his face.
“You’re watching me again.” He looked up, wiping his mouth before stroking my member down his chest as he moved to kiss me again.
“I’m telling you, Marius…it’s sexy. I fit perfectly inside your mouth.”
“And down my throat, apparently,” He raised an eyebrow.
“You sure you haven’t done that before? You really shouldn’t be able to do that your first time.” I teased.
He rolled his eyes at me, kissing me again, as his jeans rubbed against my crotch.
“Hmm…let’s take your jeans off.” I reached between us to unbutton his trousers, pushing them past his hips, sighing to find that he was wearing shorts underneath them, “You wear too much clothes, Marius.” I groaned, pushing him next to me, before getting up on my knees to pull the last of his clothes off.
“Why are you looking at me funny?” Marius curled one of his arms behind his head.
“You’re gorgeous.” I pressed a kiss to his lips, “Absolutely beautiful…”
Marius couldn’t repress his grin, reaching up to run his hands through my hair, “You’re not so bad yourself.” His fingers traced down the back of my neck, across my shoulders, and faintly down my chest. “You’re cold…”
I laughed, “Then help me warm up.” I kissed him again, clasping his fingers to mine, pushing his hands above his head.
He titled his head to watch me place kisses down his torso, a slight moan passing his lips and involuntarily lifting his hips as my mouth encircled the tip of his phallus. My palm pressed against his stomach, for a moment, before slipping to his thigh, pushing his knees apart to kneel between them.
A few minutes later, and I was reading his reactions as if twenty years hadn’t passed at all. My hand continued deliberate motions, as I moved to press a kiss under his ear before whisper.
“This is your last chance to back down before I fuck you,” I warned, licking his ear lobe. He cringed slightly as I teased him, continuing to kiss his throat.
“I haven’t complained so far.”
“I suppose you have, you know, stuff.”
“Hmm?” He looked confused for a second before he nodded, “Oh right,” He slipped out of my arms to pull open the top drawer of his desk.
I raised an eyebrow when he tossed a condom at me from the box, followed by bottle of lubricant, but decided it was better not to question him.
“Err…how should I…you know…whatever.” He stood at the edge of the futon.
“However you want.” I shrugged, “You’re the one who reads about this all of the time…”
“You’re the one that’s actually done this.” He scoffed at me, and I laughed, pulling him closer, pushing him underneath me. He groaned against my lips, shivering slightly as my lube-covered fingers pushed gently into him. Once I could get three fingers in without too much of a change in his facial expression, I didn’t really give him much of a warning before pushing into him myself, pushing his knees up towards his shoulders. He groaned, but didn’t make any other sound of protest, as I pressed a kiss to his lips.
“You okay, Marius?” I asked.
He nodded, “Keep going –you’re fine….I like it.”
I laughed softly, pressing another kiss to his jaw, and within a few more minutes we had separated, panting softly against the hard cushion of the futon.
“So…that’s what sex is like, huh?”
“Hmm,” I shrugged, “sometimes…”
He turned his head, brushing a lock of hair off of his forehead with the back of his hand, “Only sometimes?”
“Only when you’re with someone you really love.” I leaned up on an elbow to press a kiss to his cheek, before looking up at the clock, and sighing, “Oh, Marius…I hate to fuck and run, but…”
“But you have to go.” He nodded. So far, I had done similar disappearing acts on a variety of our dates, but it wasn’t something that I wanted to do… I could only remain on earth for so long, and return so many times…
“I’ll be back tomorrow, we’ll do something.” I promised, moving to pull my clothes back on, “I’m sorry, I want to stay, I really do…god, I am such an ass.” I knelt over him, pressing my lips to his, “Are you mad?”
“No.” He shook his head, “I’ll just make you make up for it later –besides, I have the strongest urge to take a shower now anyway…I would have kicked you out in a few minutes anyway.”
“Germaphobe.” I teased, kissing him again, before getting up to shove my feet back into my shoes, “Tomorrow –same time as usual.”
He nodded, leaning up on his elbow to watch me leave.
I couldn’t tell him that it wouldn’t be very long until I would never have to leave him again…telling someone you knew exactly when they were going to die probably wasn’t something that you would want to bring up in post-coital conversation. But eventually, a few weeks later, I left him, three days before he would die. Part of me wanted to be with him when it happened…but I opted instead to wait for him. Hopefully, if all ran correctly, he would remember…remember us.
He looked surprised to see me, and a little perturbed that I wouldn’t say anything, as I motioned for him to follow me back into the castle walls. I didn’t trust myself not to break down completely, until we were inside, and I could wrap my arms around him.
“I will never leave you again.” I vowed, burying my head against his neck, and praying that he couldn’t feel my tears.
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