Martin leaned against the heavy oak post at the top of the steps leading down to the cement walk-way he and his dad had put in when he was a kid. Looking out over the dark yard he could feel the energy of the moon wafting through his body. It was still two weeks until the next full moon, but the power was always there, calling him…telling him to come and play in the thick uncut grass of the woods, and roll around in the undergrowth. Hunt the tempting little critters that teased him –squirrels, rabbits, even the birds.
His nose twitched involuntarily as he smelled something new –something besides the usual dampness that caked the farmland that his parents had settled so many years ago. He took a deeper breath before raising is arm to stop the incoming attack.
“You’re getting better at that,” his would-be assailant teased.
“Yes, well, you don’t exactly blend in,” Martin cocked an eyebrow at him. “What are you doing back here? I thought you were gone.”
“How could I leave my little Fuzzball?” the man teased, brushing Martin’s still-raised arm away so he could step closer. “I did my business elsewhere; now I’m just…wandering, I guess.”
“Oh,” Martin nodded.
“Are you angry?”
“You know we can’t…” Martin shook his head. “Our kind don’t mix.”
“Don’t, or shouldn’t?” He tilted Martin’s chin up, pressing their lips briefly together. “Just because our kinds don’t typically, doesn’t mean we can’t, or that we shouldn’t. Sometimes, rules are made to be broken.”
Martin gave in to his mouth, and he groaned at the cool lips on his. After a few moments of steamy reunion, he broke away, pushing away, moving back towards the door to the house. He stepped over the threshold and turned back to look at his former lover. “Why’d you come back, Tobias?”
“I missed you, what more reason is there?” He shook his head. He moved to step through the doorway himself but cringed as he found the door barricaded. A subtle wave of discomfort moved through his body and stepped back. “You rescinded my invitation?”
“I figured it would be safest for both of us if I did.”
“You love me,” Tobias shook his head.
“And that love will kill me some day,” Martin shook his head. “Good night, Tobias. Sweet dreams.” He pushed the door closed, doing his best not to take a last glance at the vampire.
“Martin,” Tobias banged a fist against the door. “Martin, c’mon! Talk to me at least!”
Martin squeezed his eyes closed, leaning back against the door, trying to remember how the hell they had gotten to this point…
It was a hot summer night in July when Martin first laid eyes on the vampire. He was roaming pack-less since his parent’s death. He didn’t need anyone else; he was tired of Pack Politics in the other local packs. He was capable of keeping himself safe. It wasn’t a full moon, but after a stressing week at work, doing road construction for the county, he needed to unwind. He’d changed into wolf-form and gone for a run in the woods that surrounded his childhood home. He hadn’t expected to come across anyone else…
He hunkered down at the edge of the trees and stared at the vampire. He’d never seen one up close before; just heard about them in stories and seen media representations…but up close and personal…he huffed a little sigh. He was gorgeous. His thick black hair was cropped neatly to his collar, and his skin looked like porcelain in the moonlight. He edged backwards into the underbrush as the vampire slowly turned, staring right at him.
“Come out, come out little pup,” he taunted. Martin involuntarily let loose a low growl. The vampire laughed, kneeling down and holding out his hands. “No worries, I’m not going to hurt you, Were. I’m a little lost. I could use your help.”
He was still suspicious, but couldn’t very well run. Martin wasn’t the running type –he always faced trouble head on. It was probably one of his biggest downfalls. He edged out of the brush, and circled the vampire, tail twitching.
“I don’t suppose you could change so we could talk?” The vampire stood back up, putting his hands on his hips. Martin obliged, shifting back into human form. He stood up, trying his best to ignore the fact that he was totally naked.
“You’re far from home, aren’t you Stranger?” The grass was damp beneath his feet and he kept his eyes steadily placed on the newcomer.
“Not so far,” he shook his head. “I’m a bit lost though, as I said. I’m looking for Julianne?”
“The town or the person?”
He smiled, showing his canines had extended just a little as he gave Martin a once over, “The town; my friend has a bar there.”
“Vampire bar?”
“Maybe,” he nodded.
“Then you must be looking for Janice Peat,” Martin had heard of the vampire owner of Gush, the vampire bar in the city, ten miles west, but had never met her or stepped foot in the bar. “You’re not so lost. Keep going west; you can’t miss it.”
“You look cold,” he noted.
“Not really,” he shook his head. He jerked forward as he was suddenly behind him, his hands squeezing Martin’s upper arms as he pushed his mouth close to the Were’s ear.
“Are you sure, pup?”
Martin’s body began to involuntarily shiver and he pulled him up against himself, wrapping his arms around his waist. He was warmer then Martin expected and he could smell the blood on him; he had fed recently. Surprisingly though, it didn’t smell human. He had a hard time believing that this beauty had a hard time finding willing victims.
“Yes,” Martin pulled free from him, quickly changing back into his wolf form before he could stop him. He felt better once he was back on all fours. The vampire put his hands on his hips, looking down at the wolf.
“Well, you just aren’t any fun at all, Fuzz Ball,” he sighed. He brushed his hand over his forehead. “Thank you for the help. I’ll repay you soon.” He gave him a cheeky grin before reaching out a hand to pat his head. Martin let him trail his fingers under his muzzle, and he pressed his lips to the top of his furry head. He jerked back again, surprised. The vampire just grinned before disappearing in a rustle of leaves and twigs.
Martin had almost forgotten about the vampire until a week later, as he sat out on his porch with a beer, listening to the breeze. He could smell the storm that was brewing up, but he wasn’t worried. He loved rain and couldn’t wait to go out and lay in the wet grass.
Martin was so lost in his thoughts, getting excited for the storm, that he nearly dropped his beer when the vampire appeared on the top step and cleared his throat.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Martin caught the bottle swiftly and pressed a hand against his chest. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” He couldn’t believe he hadn’t smelled the stranger coming onto his property; the vampire may have been fast, be no way was he that fast.
“Sorry,” he grinned. No fangs this time. “I wanted to thank you for your help the other night, Pup.”
“My name is Martin,” he sighed. “Stop calling me pup.”
“Tobias,” he gave me a little nod. “I’d like to repay you for your help the other night.”
“No big deal; just directions,” he stood up, brushing dampness from where he had spilled some of the beer onto his jeans. “Damn it…”
“Let me take you to dinner,” He made to follow me as he moved into the house. He cringed as he was barricaded at the door. Martin didn’t issue an invitation, but kept the door open between the porch and the kitchen as he set the bottle down on the counter. “I heard there’s a Bar and Grill in town that’s pretty good.”
Martin cocked an eyebrow at him, leaning against the stove so that he could stare at him. He liked the feeling of keeping the barrier between them. “No thank you.”
“Then perhaps I can repay you some other way?” He returned my raised eyebrow, his hands pressing against the door frame. He looked good…too good, actually. He was wearing a thin leather jacket and a plain red t-shirt with the name of some tattoo parlor on it in white print. His jeans were dark, but not black, and hugged him nicely. His shoes were expensive looking sneakers. He looked…normal. Just like a regular guy, actually, as long as you ignored the slowly descending fangs, and the pearly-white skin. Martin subconsciously decided he’d look good with a tan…he found himself wondering if that rub-on stuff worked on vamps.
“I don’t think so,” he finally shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Does my vampirism really make you that uncomfortable?” He tilted his head to the side. He was struck by the way his hair framed his face so nicely.
To answer the question: He wasn’t sure. He was the first vampire Martin had ever met. He had known of their existence, ever since they’d come out of hiding four years before. The Weres and the shape-shifters had only been “out” for about six months now, but their kinds still didn’t mix very well. Finally, he shook his head, “It doesn’t matter to me what you are.”
“But you’re still skittish; like a deer in headlights. You are a Were, right? Not some silly shape-shifter who just likes wolves? You looked too big to be one of those.”
“I’m a Were,” Martin confirmed. “But whether that’s what I am or not, we’re still…”
“Werewolf and Vampire,” he finished. “Deliciously wrong, isn’t it?”
Martin crossed his arms over his chest and continued to look at him. He gave him another cheeky grin, and trailed his finger down the invisible barrier. He could just almost see it shimmer as he did so.
“Invite me in,” he requested. “I’ll make it worth your while.”
“What do you want?” Martin pushed back away from the stove, standing just out of his reach.
“Just to get to know you better. It isn’t every day I meet a cute puppy like you.”
“I am hardly a puppy.”
“You’re right…you’re too sexy to be called a pup,” he was teasing now.
“Ah. So, you just want to get into my pants. Figures.”
“Well, I got a good look at what’s inside of them already, so…you can say my interest has been peaked,” he nodded. “What if I promise, no biting?” He barred his teeth for a moment to show that his fangs were still well concealed.
Martin couldn’t stop himself before saying, “What’s sex without a little biting? You’re talking to a werewolf. We bite all the time.”
He grinned, “Okay, okay, maybe just a little. I’m pretty sure you can’t hurt me with those tiny little canines of yours,” The barrier rippled as he stroked his fingers down it again. “So, what do you say? Let me repay you with a little carnal knowledge?”
Martin looked past him to where it had started to sprinkle rain. He stared at the drops before stepping through the doorway. Tobias’s hands went to Martin’s hips as he pressed willingly up against him. He hummed, kissing his lips.
“So warm,” Tobias’s fingers inched up under the hem of his new conquest’s thin white tank. “And surprisingly smooth,” he grinned, teasing a little.
Martin shrugged, “I’m still young.” He pushed the vampire’s jacket back over his shoulders and tossed it onto the porch swing. “But you’re surprisingly warm too…” He pressed his face into the pale neck, taking a deep breath. “I smell…raccoon and…” Martin raised an eyebrow, “Lyd Schaff’s dog?”
“The bastard was asking for it…I didn’t kill him,” Tobias assured the werewolf. “But he sure as hell won’t be barking anymore.”
“Shame on you. Poor dog was probably just scared of you.”
“He’ll get over it,” he shrugged. He pulled Martin’s shirt over his head and tossed it aside. His fingers were cool as they trailed up his chest. “Besides, I expected things to go my way, and I hate having sex on an empty stomach –it’s much harder to control yourself,” he pressed his lips against the decidedly darker-skinned neck and Martin could feel his jugular vein pulsating, like it was begging for Tobias to sink his teeth into him. He moaned, feeling the vampire’s fangs testing the skin, but not biting down. He sucked at the skin, making Martin push up against him.
“You really want to do this out here?” He asked.
“Yes,” Martin looked him straight in the eye as he started undoing his partner’s belt. He pulled it free from the loops in a swift movement, letting it clatter to the porch. “What? You don’t like the great outdoors?”
“I love the great outdoors,” Tobias countered. He linked his fingers through the belt loops of Martin’s jeans, and pushed him up against the porch railing. His lips pressed to his again, and his tongue reached out to coax past the Were’s lips. Martin gave in, probably a little too easily; it had been too long.
They undressed each other the rest of the way, and Martin could feel Tobais looking down at him appreciatively before he forcibly bent him over the railing. His hands came down between his thighs and Martin squeezed his eyes closed, biting his bottom lip. Tobias covered his back, his lips and teeth nipping at his skin. His tongue lapped at the sweat, beading at his neck. Martin nearly howled as he pushed inside the first time.
“It’s okay,” he encouraged. “Let it out.” The vampire stroked sinewy fingers down his spine as he started making fast-paced strokes. He couldn’t even stop the wolfish growl of pleasure from escaping his throat. Tobias grinned against Martin’s neck, pushing harder than before. Martin’s eyes squeezed closed as the vamp bared his teeth against his throat again. His fangs were fully descended now, and the Were could feel them pressing slightly harder into his throat every second until they broke the skin. He tipped his head back, pushing his throat tighter against the vampire’s mouth. Tobais’s tongue lapped at the wounds.
“You taste good,” he teased. He wrapped his arms around, bringing a hand to stroke his partner.
“Glad I’m to your liking.” They continued for a few minutes before Tobias made a short guttural noise in his throat, and Martin could feel that his partner was close. The vampire lifted his wrist to his mouth, tearing into his own arm before pressing it to the Were’s mouth. His first instinct was to turn away, but he found that he couldn’t. The vampire’s blood was curiously warm and didn’t taste like anything he had ever had before –and he had tasted the blood of many animals in his years as a werewolf. Tobias moaned as Martin sucked the quickly healing bite. The vamp waited until he felt the were’s own jerk to completion before he pulled his arm away, and released him from the porch rail. Tobais grinned, stretching his arms over his head.
Martin felt shaky as he reached up, wiping the traces of blood from his mouth.
“You all right?” He asked.
He nodded, moving to sit down on the edge of the porch swing, “Yeah. I’m fine.”
“You sure? You look a little peaked,” he tilted his face up to look him in the eye. “Did I take too much?”
“No, I’m…fine, really.”
Tobias didn’t look like he believed him, and for that matter Martin wasn’t sure if he believed himself. He wasn’t sure what was more discerning: that he had just been fucked by a vampire on his back porch, or that he had just had blood-play sex with a vampire on his back porch.
Tobias leaned down, pressing his lips to the shaken werewolf’s. Martin could taste and smell the blood. His blood. Tobias’s blood. He could feel it, churning, in his stomach.
“You should go,” He stammered after he had broken the kiss.
He narrowed his eyes, “Is that what you want?”
“All right,” he nodded. He took his time pulling on his clothes. He shoved his feet back into his sneakers and was lacing them with his foot propped up against the railing where he had just had the Were bent over just minutes before. “We should do this again sometime…but, next time, can we do it like civil people?” He gave Martin an admonishing look.
“You paid me back for the directions. There isn’t any need for a next time,” he shook his head. He picked up his clothes and moved inside of the kitchen. Tobias was stopped by the invisible barricade again as he made to follow him.
“You liked it, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” there wasn’t any sense in lying to him.
“Then why not do it again?” He cocked his head. “You want to. I want to. It’s not like I’m asking to be your exclusive boyfriend or something. That’s for regular people. We’re not regular people.”
“I try my best to be,” Martin licked his lips, holding the bundle of clothes over his nakedness. “You should get home, wherever home is, before it starts to rain any harder. Nothing worse than a wet vampire, you know?”
Tobias sighed, pressing his hand against the barrier. He gave a slight grimace, “One last kiss before I go?”
“Good night ,Tobias,” He reached for the door.
He met the vampire’s eyes.
“Tomorrow?” The lack of answer made him sigh. “The next day then? Don’t just say no. I…we…there’s something there. I know it’s not just me feeling that.” He leaned in as close as he could, and spoke in a loud whisper, “Something special; something right. Dirty, but right.”
“Good night, Tobias,” Martin repeated. He heard the vampire curse after the door clicked shut. He stayed out there for a few minute or so more, before he disappeared from the porch. Martin sighed, and made his way to the bathroom. He was in need of a good, hot shower to wash away the mixture of lust and disgust that was suddenly welling up inside.
Martin figured he should have known that it wasn’t over. Later, during the full moon, he could sense the vampire’s presence somewhere nearby. Rather than seek him out, he tried to stay a few steps in front of him until the early morning hours when he crept up the steps to sleep off the rest of the change on the rug on the porch. He was just starting to fall asleep, his head settling on his paws when he felt arms wrap around him. He snorted, but didn’t pull away. The long fingers stroked his fur, and he had to admit that it felt good. He let his eyes continue to flutter closed.
When he woke up in the morning, the vampire was gone of course. He groaned, picking himself up from the rug. It was chilly, even in the summer morning, and he pulled himself up and scooted into the house. He flipped the switch on the coffee pot before making his way to the shower. By the time he emerged and had the hot cup of joe in his hand, he noticed the note tacked to the left-open door.
Love: Hated to leave you w/o speaking to you, but dawn calls. Will call on you again, tonight. –T.
Martin sighed, taking the note from the door. He held it over the trash can before shaking his head and throwing it down on the counter top. For a guy he had only met, officially, twice, he was having a hard time getting him the fuck out of his head… He was suddenly very glad that he was going Lone Wolf. He could just imagine how a pack leader would take the news that he was getting involved, albeit inadvertently, with a vampire.
He poured the rest of the coffee into a thermos and picked up his orange safety vest from where he’d tossed it over one of the kitchen chairs the day before. Time for work –and getting that damn vamp out of mind.
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